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Classmates Assemble New Library In Memory of Cooper Stock

Building a library is no easy task, but a group of Upper West Side students plan to do just that – for free.

As CBS 2’s Vanessa Murdock reported Thursday, students from the Calhoun School, 433 West End Ave., are setting an example for all. One 8-year-old boy named Paul said the goal was “to help out other kids who aren’t as fortunate as we are.

The students were donating books in a day of service dedicated to their classmate, Cooper Stock. He was killed by a taxi in January. ‘We decided to come up with some sort of holiday that has to do with him called ‘Cooper’s Troopers,’” said a 9-year-old boy named Jackson.

Two hundred of Cooper’s Troopers in grades 2 through 4 will carry books down the street and hand-deliver them to a shelter for women and children.

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