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The Cooper Stock Wells

Two vital fresh-water wells, equipped with large water towers and powered by solar panels, are now under construction in rainforest Guinea.

On January 5, 2025, long-awaited drilling began for the construction of two modern, water-tower fed, solar-panel-powered wells in two villages deep in the Guinean rain forest.


The New York-based Cooper Stock Project for Tiewa and Tangoudou joined forces with FELICA, a respected Guinean nonprofit foundation, to bring about this impressive technological achievement.


“Share with us this immense joy of making our dream come true,” proclaimed Catherine Loua, M.D., president of the FELICA Foundation, as the drilling got underway. “These wells will play a major role in improving the health and lives of the populations of these villages. The importance of this advance to the children, in particular, is immense.”


Solar-powered wells are being drilled in Tiewa (left) and in Tangodou, changing life in both villages by providing reliable, plentiful fresh water for the first time.

Constructed according to the highest standards, a Guinean drilling company breaks ground in Tiewa for a new solar-powered well.

The Cooper Stock Wells are slated to be finished by February 2025. They are the culmination of a saga that extends more than a decade—and a lasting memorial to the remarkable friendship of Cooper Stock, a precocious young New Yorker, and a determined Guinean immigrant, Vakaramoko Touré. 


West African children who will benefit greatly with the building of two new local wells.

 Cooper & Touré work out together in 2013. 

"Seeing this come to life fills my heart with immense joy. It’s a testament to Cooper's caring nature, and the hard work and dedication of everyone that led us here."

— Dana Lerner, President of the Cooper Stock's Way Foundation

A Unique Friendship Sparks a Life-changing Project

In 2012 Cooper met Touré, a fitness instructor and personal trainer at the JCC in Manhattan. They hit it off immediately and quickly formed a special friendship.

Born in the Guinean village of Tiewa, Beyla, Vakaramoko Touré came to New York City not knowing a word of English, determined to make money to help his family and the people of his country.


Our project is named in honor of Cooper, a friend to Touré whose legacy of kindness and joy is already far reaching. Through generous donations, Cooper’s tragic death will enable us to provide the funds needed to help Touré fulfill his vision.


The Cooper Stock Project for Tiewa and Tangodou, Guinea has established a clear goal: Work with the people of these two neighboring villages in the West African nation of Guinea to improve life for the residents—starting with the drilling of a well to provide clean water to the community.


Having the proper plumbing to provide clean water to the community will have a huge impact on the lives of the townspeople. Touré says the possibilities for change are limitless.​


Providing necessary amenities like running water will save families countless hours and hopefully reprieve them from some of the difficulties they face on a daily basis. 


Many people have generously donated to the Cooper Stock’s Way Foundation in tribute to the too-short life of this remarkable boy. We are determined to use their funds in a smart and careful way, ensuring these memorials to Cooper’s life will in fact benefit the people of Vakaramoko’s home villages.

More Reading

Feb 20, 2024  |


  • Both wells use UNICEF-approved technology—solar panels and large water towers gather, store, and distribute fresh water via flowing taps that can be accessed by six users at a time.

  • An experienced Guinean electromechanical engineer, Sinepolo Alfred Traoré, conducted the bidding process, in consultation with a committee of four other professionals. Mr. Traoré is overseeing construction and has hired an on-site supervisor who is monitoring the work.

  • Two Guinean drilling companies are involved—Bembeyá Global Services and EPICO Civil Engineering. Both have handled dozens of well construction projects in rainforest Guinea.

  • The project is following important protocols to ensure that the wells will not only be constructed according to the highest standards, but also maintained, serviced, and properly attended over the coming years. Included in the drilling contracts are regular maintenance visits by drilling company representatives, and training for villagers in well and solar-panel maintenance.

  • Dependable, clean water is in huge demand across Guinea. UNICEF 2018 surveys in Guinea found that 75 percent of households in the area do not have access to safe drinking water at home. 

  • CSPTT’s original plan was to build a school, but the question of how best to help the villages was brought to the villages’ community council. They conferred, voted, and approved the building of two wells – one for each village.

  • All funding for the project comes from donations made to CooperStocksWay, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, EIN 47-40706561. All donations are deductible to the full extent of the law.


Powering the Project


Dana Lerner is the president of the Cooper Stock’s Way Foundation, the mother of Cooper Stock, and the driving force behind the CSPTT. She is responsible for all decisions about how funds are spent.
Vakaramoko Touré, who was born and raised in the village of Tiewa, is the spark who inspired the project.
Cooper Stock was a young boy who had a close relationship with Vakaramoko in New York City. Tragically, Cooper was killed in a car crash while crossing a New York street when he was nine years old. The well and school are being built in commemoration of Cooper’s compassion, enthusiasm, and joie de vivre.

Ira Wolfman is a journalist, author, and adviser to the Cooper Stock’s Way Foundation.

The Elisabeth Cathy Foundation (FELICA) is the Guinean partner working with the Cooper Stock’s Way Foundation to improve life in Guinea, especially for vulnerable people. It has overseen many projects including the building of schools, orphanages, and clinics across Guinea. 

Catherine Loua, MD, is a public-health doctor and the founder of FELICA. 

Sekou Touré, mayor of the villages of Tiewa and Tangoudou, is a key adviser to the project.

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Dana Lerner

12 West 72 Street, Apt 17A

New York, NY 10023

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A Significant Impact


The Mayor, Sékou Touré, narrates the groundbreaking as the residents cheer for the water, 'a gift from God'.




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